No Accountability in Bureaucracy = Psychopathic Socialism Anarchy Death and Despair

Uploaded by pearl6570on Sep 5, 2011

Lawyers, Judges, Professors, and Activist Speak Out as to why State Sanctioned Kidnapping Accurs. This Documentry was by Paul Ciccotelli

CPS Corruption? Nancy Schaefer Government State Sanctioned Kidnapping Crime Scam racketering deception deceive Family Parents Parenting Kids Babies Children Toddlers Elementry Teenagers Politics Corruption Documentry Lawyer Lawyers Judges Reporters Bias Press CNN News Fox ABC CBS NBC MSNBC NPR

PBS Activest Constitution Founding Fathers Perjury Immunity Unconstitional Thomas Jefferson Criminal Interprize Misconduct Secret Courts Extortion Bribes Federal Encentive Case Fixing Whistleblowers

Danger the Public Service Sociopathic Animals

Doc’s Dirty Tricks to Steal Kids

Submitted by mother of the monthon Sun, 08/04/2012 – 00:30

Ex foster carer would like to tell all mums and dads the dirty tricks that Docs plays on you to steal your babies and kids and what you can do to try to stop it.

1. Anything you say they will twist, so always answer their questions with a question or smile and say “why do you want to know that?” This is the most important technique you need to learn. It’s called Verbalising. And they will do it to you.

2. Always have your own psych report, their are some counsellors out there who are not a fan of Doc’s. If you use theirs or a Court one they then have the opportunity to diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder. This is a permanent mental health issue and is grounds to take your kids into perm. care. Depression is temporary so is not grounds to take them. Be very wary of one called Toni Single.

3. If they tell you when your court date is they will purposely tell you the wrong date, a day later in the week so that you don’t turn up on the correct day and the Magistrate immediately rules against you . You didn’t attend Court so you lose.

4. Always have an excellent school attendance record. This is the one they will get you on. DON’T let the kids stay home.

5. When they say very sweetly they will help you through this, they are LYING. Good cop, bad cop and the more you talk and blab, the more evidence they can get.

6.Don’t put anything on facebook. Be careful.

7. Don’t have any dogs scarier than a chihuahua in your yard when they come or they will report to Court about you having fighting dogs (child safety issue)

8. They will try to pit your family against each other so you all dob on each other. Very successful technique, don’t fall for it.

9. On your contact day the foster carer can sometimes be told to arrange a fun family outing for the same day and the child will be asked what she wants to do. Of course the kid is going to pick Luna Park and not some dreary Docs office with a mum who is now a stranger.

10.Be very careful of any agencies, refuges etc. Always ask them where do they get their funding from?

11. The contact drivers are told to listen and pump you and/or the kids for info. It’s called “a disclosure”

12.Never ever admit to the caseworker that you may have been a DV victim or that you had anything but a perfect upbringing. They are a risk factor and will be used against you. Hope all this helps, if I remember any more I will put it in a comment. . Groups: Action against DoCS Citizens Against Docs Members New Stolen Generation by DoCS citizens against docs Parents Alliance Alecomm


by Administrator

Our Founding Fathers event in Washington will have one less protester to assist us in our civil rights cause. The reason: he was put in jail this week for so-called “child support” arrears. He is a former Pennsylvania state representative who was set to speak on the need for Family Court reform. Meanwhile, Illinois Congressman, Joe Walsh, continues to be attacked as a “dead beat dad” by sexist liberals for his position against child support abuses (he allegedly owes more than $100,000 to a successful but vindictive ex-spouse). These events illustrate plainly how you, the reader of this post, may become the next victim in this “war on parents”. They also show why the apathy of our victims will cause even more to be committed to debtor prisons or career damage.

While feminists seeking to justify their existence continue to concoct this “War on Women”, the real war on men, fathers in particular, is waged relentlessly and quietly. It’s time that moms and dads rejected the propaganda of a vocal minority of radicals who have been aggressively destroying families and parent-child relationships for more than two decades. We see the damage everywhere especially in the federal welfare laws where the support enforcement bureaucracy is financed. In our lobby packet, we show how the needs of bureaucrats and not our children are at the core of these laws and entitlement mentality which is bankrupting an entire nation.

News articles feature the “equal pay” and “Lilly Ledbetter” laws for women, but the public is denied the information balance of an “equal custody” or “shared parenting” law for men. The plain injustices impact minority fathers more than any other segment of the parenting population. So when you ignore, disparage or excuse yourself from reform efforts like the one scheduled for April 18-20, 2012 in our nation’s capital, you facilitate all this. See our itinerary posted on April 13, 2012 at Put another way, your inaction is effectively promoting the ongoing carnage to family, our Constitution and moral fiber as a nation. Please join us, if not for yourself, then for your children. They need you in their lives.

Kids need good Dads, their Dads … your kids need you to stand up and be counted … scientia


Dear Team Australia, Australian Courts are corrupt, with No Accountability and no credibility, ‘Kids for Cash Australia’ and Australian scandal.

A vile nefarious scheme to cheat people out of their money

Australian judiciary and bureaucracies are over run with narcissistic inhuman cowards, animals, entrenched within the commonwealth courts, and state run legal aid.

Engaged in undeclared political violence and brutal psychological civil war, motivated by bigotry, narcissism, misandry, actively engaged in acts of treachery and treason against the Sovereign, the Commonwealth and vulnerable at risk Australians, a bigoted holocaust..

Court registrar’s run lists of corrupt duplistic maligned lawyers and mercenary corrupt court report writers, employed to produce fraudulent, corrupt, treacherous and vicious reports, used as weapons in an to pre-justice proceedings and fix out comes, profiteering and racketeering in these secret, cloaked and despotic courts.

what is happening, is a cash for kids racket, works best with and altruistic father and a narcisstic mother there are other variations.

The courts, lawyers and their sidekicks are also narcissistic, excluding all altruistic good lawyers etc.

Terrorists plying their trade of intimidation and murder crimes against humanity most brutal free to kill.

They know the altruistic father will spend, giving their all to provide and protect their kids, he courts withhold the kids from the father to bleed him dry.

End game, the family is destroyed bled of all cash and assets.

Classic good versus evil.

Robert Owen (14 May 1771 – 17 November 1858) was a Welsh social reformer and one of the founders of socialism and the cooperative movement.

Owen’s son Robert Dale stayed at New Harmony after its collapse. He had a different assessment of his father’s experiment. “All cooperative schemes which provide equal remuneration to the skilled and industrious and the ignorant and idle must work their own downfall, for by this unjust plan … they must of necessity eliminate the valuable members … and retain only the improvident, unskilled, and vicious.”

Owen, Robert Dale, 1801–77, American social reformer, b. Scotland; son of Robert Owen/

It is a global phenomenon, these judges do not study law the aid humanity, and they study law to prey on humanity.

Only the most narcisstic, vicious and treacherous make it to the top.

It is ‘speciation’ they are separated from humanity by their very lack of humanity, making then a different animal.

They thrive on destruction, not production.

It is classic “Lord of the Flies” is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding

and Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell

They manifest in governments, bureaucracies and judiciaries, throughout.

This why we have a Sovereign, to protect the people from treachery and tyranny at the hands of the government bureaucrats and judiciary, we need to impress this on the Sovereign and the people, otherwise there is no point to the Crown, we will be no more than the current Syria regime and the like.

These psychotic courts cannot be trusted especially with children.

Lawyers fail you, Australian Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland warns.

Write letters in the same vein explaining how Family Law and Child Welfare undermines families and their children throughout the Commonwealth!

Write to;

The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Henry of Wales Clarence House London SW1A 1BA

Start your letters Your Royal Highness’s.

Send this link as well.

Proverbs 11 14

“Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.”

These judiciaries and bureaucrats in reality are a different animal, cold blooded, narcistic, vicious, dangerous and inevitably corrupt, because of lack of law and accountability, not safe for children, these are the same animals, the same evil, the same beast as Bashar al-Assad, unchecked corruption, unchecked atrocities

This is why Afghanistan is doomed to fail, simply because a bigoted government is being replaced with a corrupt government, the core people will never support treachery, only trust.

Unlike the Core Australians, they prey upon.

The entrenched commonly and collectively know family court mafia, causing 3 to 4 up to 12 deaths a day, costing $60,000,000 or more every day, destroying core Australians, the honest and hard working.

This family court scam we are seeing Doctors, lawyers, police officers, teachers, academics falling prey to them. These people will steal whatever you have given the chance, and after there’ve stolen everything you got they’ll come back for more.

Narcissi Socialism with no accountability, causing Anarchy, Tyranny, Death and Despair.

Typically Darwinian speciation if there ever was, the collective of lawyers, bureaucrats, and the judiciary are shown to be or become psychopathic Narcissism shallow, liars and cheats.

You will notice most if not all the law acts have exemptions for these dispotic public servants from prosecution and accountability from lying and cheating, yet the family law threatens, persecutes and goals people for telling the truth, as in speaking out. It is only honest hard working and caring people are being targeted, stripped of all assets and being hurt.

It is the court treachery that is killing people, they are running an undeclared war on the Australian Commonwealth and it’s people.

Contact us , join us, be active, stand up for kid’s rights to see their Dad’s, add meaning to kids lives, you can help STOP the PREDATION AND EXPLOITATION of our children. Start your own branch in any place, state or country … Help us help you, help Kids.

These courts demonstrates perfectly the socialist narcissi psychopathic model, identical to North Korea, Stalinist Russia, and Myanmar etc.

Point in case; Russia is a massive and extremely resource rich country that was driven to bankruptcy by unfettled psychopathic bureaucracy, enterprise cannot function under despotic tyranny.

These socialist modelled courts are a train wreck, extremely dangerous to our kids as decades of cases demonstrates, any body of authority that has no accountability rapidly become over run with vicious Psychopathy.

Write ask your MP Representative to act to restore accountability to these courts today, Post this link on your MP’s Facebook page, email them this link, Help end the treachery, thank you.

Australia cannot prosper, enterprise cannot prosper, Kids cannot prosper under treacherous, despotic and tyrannic rule. Call for your state and Federal MP’s FIRE from the top down useless and corrupt bureaucrats …

… hands off our Kids … stop them plundering billions in public funds …

Help Us Help Our Kids … Semper fidelis

The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance

Lest We Forget

Fathers Union of Australia contact

  • “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.”
  • “Hatred ever kills, love never dies; such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred. Noncooperation with evil is a sacred duty. You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.”

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


Love is to care … more importantly what all people want and need is trust …trust is the base of all reason civility and humanity. Trust is the bond between men … most noted in times of war..

Bottom line is these court mafia are making billions and and killing people, take action we need to stop it.


Family Court – The Horrors of Divorce for Men

The horrors of divorce for men: from the kidnapping of their children, to the financial enslavement by a corrupt judiciary, to the suicidal despair of fathers denied access to their children post-divorce by spiteful and vindictive spouses. Men of all ages should wake up to the fact that the modern marriage contract is not what it used to be, and that no group of citizens – with the exception of convicted felons – has fewer rights in society than fathers.
In behalf of men as a group, I invite all people with a good heart, a sense of justice, and a love for family and children to support the equal rights of fathers.
Given that we are a young movement, it is necessary that we first raise awareness of the issues at hand. Spread the word! And if you want to see more videos on the corruption of the family court system, please see my video on the source of the corruption in the family court system below:
Thanks for viewing!

Male Victims of Domestic Violence – The Hidden Story

Published on Apr  9, 2012 by    

We have only heard half the story about domestic violence and that half is the female victims and male perpetrators.  But there is another side to this story.  The male victims and female perpetrators.  Somehow that side of the story simply doesn’t get told.  This short video touches on these issues and opens up the reality of the male side of domestic violence.
NISVS – Murray Straus article – NCADV Fact Sheet – original research showing 1.3 million female victims and 834,732 males – Denise Hines – Hines – Male  Helpseeking –…


They Took The Children Away..

Here is a song that I first heard about 4 years ago. I was listening to CBC Radio (Canada), driving in my car. I had to pull over and weep deep bitter tears. It was played as part of a programme actually addressing whole generations destroyed in the residential schools, in Canada over the decades. Canadian First Nations children ripped from their communities and sent there. The commentator drew an interesting parallel though, descrbing this same campaign against Australian, New Zealand etc. aboriginals. It gave me pause for thought, how widely this was perpetuated. There is another video using this song, a Canadian version with a slideshow of our own, residential schools. Today all the residential schools are closed as far as I know, but this form of genocide and family destruction continues in the form of child ‘protection’ agencies. They are still taking the children for the flimsiest of excuses, or instead of working with the families and actually helping the children. And..just like those children who were grossly abused in every way, in those institutions, so are the foster children being abuse, or dying at an alarming rate! I don’t watch this video too often, it is too emotional. I never dreamt, as I heard this song the first time, that a few short months later, I too would be missing my son, missing all the special days with him- birthdays, Christmas, camping etc. This has to stop! The children… need to come back

Karen Plumridge Posted by Karen Plumridge on April 12, 2012 at 7:28am PDT

Tanilla Warrick Deaves Report -Department Community Services NSW Corruption

Children families and dads being exposed to this public service abuse same stories of fake reports and abuse by scumbags and bureaucrats, millions of dollars, money taken from families and kids.

In Australia alone this is up to $15,000,000,00.00 a year, $60,000,000.00 a day industry, destroying kids, families and dads.

The LNP need to stand up and lead Australia out of this death and dispair, there has been and is too much blood being spilled.

The public services are the largest business in Australia and the worst run, LNP needs to learn from “The Apprentice” estate magnate, businessman and television personality Donald Trump two words when dealing with public servants “YOUR FIRED” socialism doesn’t work only sound business practices.


John Anthony Coyne has invited you to join his cause on Facebook:


12,179 members


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Produced by: 11 yr old Dylan’s Keane his school presentation for Anzac Day, remembering Australia’s Heroes along with Eric Bogle’s song, The Band Played Waltzing Matilda & Last Post.
Shows our Younger Generation are learning about the ANZACS

Posted by Teresa Bayes on April 7, 2012 at 10:40am PDT

George Christensen MP in Parliament has already described and explained feminism is a’ Trojan Horse’ .

White ribbon badges have nothing to do with ANZAC’s, it is a political ploy, it is a construct of the socialist left.

Blue ribbon is the symbol for stopping abuse against children, this is our focus, Violence comes from both sides.

We all agree and are against DV but all DV, they alienate and divide the community. Most DV and abuse against children is by women, given that DV between men and women is nearly 50/50, = most DV is by women.

Please stop the feminist left defiling the ANZAC legacy and legend.

MSS KGB Antisocial Socialist feminists are trying hard to ruin ANZAC’s legend and legacy, MSS KGB feminist white ribbon propaganda badges are being sold next to ANZAC’s badges Australia Fair Gold Coast in front of K-Mart, to pollute ANZAC’s Day tradition.

A feminist snatches white ribbon badges from ANZAC’s table before they can be photographed, what is going on, she knows what she is doing.


Why is the ADF allowing the KGB and MSS make a mockery of ANZAC’s ?

Why is ASIO allowing this feminist propaganda war on Australian culture?

Please stop white ribbon badges being sold with ANZAC,s badges or associating with ANZAC’s Day.