AIFS seminar series presentation
10:00 am – 11:15 am (AEST), Thursday 11 September 2014, Balluk Room, AIFS (formerly known as the Seminar Room), Level 20, 485 La Trobe Street, Melbourne
Building evidence to support the reduction of violence against women and children
The role of Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) in the National Action Plan
Heather Nancarrow, Chief Executive Officer, ANROWS
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Heather Nancarrow is CEO of Australia�s National Research Organisation for Womens Safety (ANROWS). She has 30 years experience working in the field of domestic, family and sexual violence prevention and has held many leadership roles at both the state and national level in the development of policy on the prevention of violence against women. This includes work on the development and implementation of the Queensland Government Policy: Stop Violence against Women (1992); and management of the Queensland Governments Domestic Violence Policy Branch, responsible for the administration of Queensland domestic and family violence legislation, policy community grants funding and the annual domestic violence prevention campaign.
In 2002 Heather was appointed foundation Director of the Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research, a position she held until her recent appointment to ANROWS. During that time (2008-2009), Heather was Deputy Chair of the National Council to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, which produced Time for Action, the blue-print for the Council of Australian Governments initiative, the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.
In 2008-09 members of the National Council to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (the National Council) dared to imagine that the Commonwealth and all states and territories of Australia would agree to an ambitious, long-term plan to reduce violence against women and their children. And so they did, launching the National Plan to Reduce Violence against women and their children 2010-2022 in February 2011. The National Council also imagined that a new national centre of excellence would deliver evidence to guide the implementation of the long-term plan. In 2014, Australias National Research Organisation for Womens Safety Limited (ANROWS) was launched. Its mission is to deliver relevant and translatable research evidence which drives policy and practice.
This presentation explains the role of ANROWS, particularly as it relates to the 2nd Action Plan (Moving ahead) of the National Plan to the Reduce Violence against women and their Children 2010-2022. It includes discussion about ANROWSs progress in funding a program of research to support decision-making for future policy and practice development towards elimination violence against women and their children.
Ethics Committee and role
The AIFS Ethics Committee is a Human Research Ethics Committee registered with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
◾To ensure that the ethical standards outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans, and elaborated in the Institute’s ethics statement, Ethical Issues in the Research Process (1996), are met in all research projects undertaken by the Institute.
◾To ensure that projects meet the three key principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice, as set down in the National Statement.
The committee meets to consider:
◾new project proposals;
◾receive brief oral and written reports on ongoing projects;
◾consider any complaints or problems that may have arisen regarding ethical issues in Institute research; and
◾review the complaints procedures.
Members of the Ethics Committee are appointed for three-year terms.
Committee members
Dr Duncan Ironmonger (Chair)
BCom, MCom (Melb); PhD (Cambridge)
Department of Economics, University of Melbourne
Ms Marlene Burchill
BSW, Dip.Fam.Therapy, MA (Social Work)
Social worker and family therapist
Marlene is a Yorta Yorta and Dja Dja Werong woman from central Victoria
Rev. John Lamont
BA (Latrobe); BTheol (United Faculty of Theology, Ormond College)
Professor Richard Ingleby
MA, DPhil (Oxford); LLM (Cambridge)
Latham Chambers, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University
Dr Kerreen Reiger
BA Hons (Melb); PhD (La Trobe)
Department of Sociology, La Trobe University
Dr Sarah Wise
BA Hons (Melb); MA (Melb); PhD (Melb)
Anglicare Melbourne
Mr Ian Claridge
Lay person
BA, Grad. Dip. Special Ed., Grad. Dip. Ed. Leadership
Ms Victoria Triggs
BA (Melb.), Grad. Dip. Ed. Admin. (Melb.), Williamson Fellow (Leadership Victoria), Grad. Dip. Australian Institute of Company Directors
Lay person
AIFS ex-officio member
Dr Daryl Higgins
BA (Melb) BA (Hons)(Deakin); PhD (Deakin)
Deputy Director (Research)
What if I have concerns or complaints about the conduct of research/evaluation?
Australian Human Rights Commission
Posted on May 20, 2014 by Kids First – Children’s Rights Activists (CRA)
As you may be well aware of the antisocial discrimination against males that has arisen, I need to bring a complaint of very wrongful belief of women and the Australian Human Rights Commission, that children belong to women.
I must make complaint to you as Australian Human Rights Commission.
Males are violated and abused nearly as much as females, discriminated against more, females violate and abuse children more than males do, equates to most DV is perpetrated by women.
Inquiry into the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011
5. The Commission commends the actions that the Australian Government is taking to combat family violence and child abuse, including the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020, the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and “their” Children 2010-2022 and the development of a national scheme for recognition of domestic violence orders across Australian jurisdictions. These initiatives evidence the ongoing commitment of the Australian government to this area.
Australia Concise Oxford dictionary Fifth Edition; P1496 “their” … belonging to them or themselves.
This is in breach of Article 4 and unlawful as it enslaves children to women …
This is a serious repeated indictment of antisocial discrimination by AHRC ‘women and their children their property’ enslaving victimizing children.
Enslavers on breach of Article 4 of the UDHR states that ‘No one shall be held in slavery or servitude: slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms’.
Slavery was the first human rights issue to arouse wide international concern yet it still continues today. Slavery like practices remains a grave and persistent problem today.
The mandate on contemporary forms of slavery includes but is not limited to issues such as: debt bondage, serfdom, forced labour, child slavery, sexual slavery, forced or early marriages and the sale of wives. As a legally permitted labour system, traditional slavery has been abolished everywhere, but it has not been completely stamped out.
There are still reports of slave markets. Even when abolished, slavery leaves traces. It can persist as a state of mind- among victims and their descendants and among the inheritors of those who practised it –long after it has formally ended.
Slavery-like practices are often clandestine. This makes it difficult to have a clear picture of the scale of the contemporary slavery, let alone to uncover, punish or eliminate it.
The majority of those who suffer are the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalised social groups in society. Fear, ignorance of one’s rights and the need to survive do not encourage them to speak out.
In order to effectively eradicate slavery in all its forms, the root causes of slavery such as poverty, social exclusion and all forms of discrimination must be addressed. In addition, we need to promote and protect the rights of all especially the most vulnerable in our society. Where human rights violations have already been committed, we are called upon to help restore the dignity of victims.…/srslavery/pages/srslaveryindex.aspx