Traitor .. LNP Tony Abbot

Traitor .. LNP Bigots Tony Abbot

The Australian government has launched a $100 million Second Action Plan to stop domestic violence and violence against women and their children, NOT MEN AND THEIR CHILDREN.$100-million-to-fight-domestic-violence/201406274237#.U60gXJWKDIU

2 thoughts on “Traitor .. LNP Tony Abbot”

  1. I am a single father of three young children aged 9,7,6 and have custody of all of them by order of FLC which I had success after 3 years of struggle with FLC. I remarried a lady from Philippines who had tow children and I brought them to Australia under a spouse visa. From the time she arrived she was showing by her verbal and physical abuse which got worse after 3 months. She then left me and my household. I took an AVO out against her, but she being well versed by other Philippino / and women’s groups, took a responding AvO against me to ensure her stay in Australia was approved by Australian Immigration under ‘domestic violence provisions’ allowing them to stay and receive all the family benefits. The AVO on me was dismissed, and I also dismissed the one on her as she had no grounds and the police did not charge me with any wrong doing as she admitted to being the ‘aggressor’. So now she is happily on parenting and family benefits even before the 2 year time is up and allowed to stay in the country. I was certainly duped by this woman as she was not genuine. I spent a lot of money on her but because I was not rich she decided to persue her lifestyle without a husband and look for others better off than myself financially. So, women’s groups are made powerful and provide biased statistics for Governments to make these decisions for ‘the weaker sex’, even tho in many cases they are the perpetrators of a lie against men who do not have the luxury of legal aid and the equivalent men’s group support, that can lobby government fairly and with ‘balance’. Such bias against men is common in the family law courts, and this Abbott proposal comes from a political bias due to powerful women’s lobby groups. Men don’t stand a chance to have their children’s rights acknowledged when the women are the perpetrator’s of violence in the home in front of the children.

    1. Hi Steve, antisocial behaviour and personality APD NPD is the common genetic problem world wide, seems you got away better than most, my son and I are as well victims of APD women in FCA and LAQ, lying cheating and slander is just ignored by the LNP government, Attorney generals etc, rule of law depends on who you are.

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