FACEBOOK Equal Parenting Party
WEB PAGE Non Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)
because children need both parents
The Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) was formed in Australia in 1998. It is registered with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) as a political party.
It has a large membership base consisting of divorced fathers, divorced mothers, second wives, grand parents and other relatives who believe that all children have a right to be cared for by both their parents, in the event of separation or divorce.
The Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) has participated in all federal election campaigns since registration. We have fielded candidates for both the Lower House (House of Representatives) and the Upper House (the Senate) in four (4) States. We have achieved a consistent increase in the number of votes it has secured since its first campaign.
The core policies centre on the issue of family law reform, emphasising legislative changes in order to enshrine a child’s natural rights to a meaningful relationship with both parents, and legal and procedural changes to ensure that the Child Support system is fair, equitable and aimed at fulfilling its primarily goal, that being to support the child/ren.
A message from James Johnson CHR, Independent Federal Candidate For Lalor
I hope my attached election materials and messages meet your approval.
All feedback on the attached materials is welcome and appreciated. Why not join twitter and communicate, retweet, support me there? It is as easy as opening and using a hotmail account: visit and get started. Just keep your twitter email messages to under 140 key strokes. 100 is ideal. You can link webpages and photos (uses up 20 characters) and you broadcast to all your ‘followers’ (ie the subscribers to your twitter network) unless you keep it a 1:1 message by mentioning the address’s name first (eg @JamesJohnsonCHR). You can also add search engine hashtags, #auspol (for Australian Politics) is a good one. So is #qanda on Monday nights (the ABC’s @QandA program). Just don’t try to follow more than 200 people in any 2 hour period – or you will be put in twitter jail (your account will be blocked for a few days by the twitter administrator). And try to keep your following / follower ration to within reasonable limits (90% to 110% is good – you can’t follow more than 2000 people unless you stay within the 90% – 110% range).
Social media (and twitter is the best platform of the lot these days) will be vital during the months of the 2013 Federal election next August / September 2013. With almost 47,000 (genuine) followers on Twitter, only 4 sitting MPs (Rudd, Gillard, Turnbull and Abbott ) have more klout on twitter / social media than I do. Which is a handy way for me to work around the Australian mainstream media embargo and get international attention too – which is the reason I have taken to tweeting in Spanish (not my best foreign language) as well as English these days). So, please, join me and join the conversation on twitter.
Please share this message and these materials with your friends and networks. The ideas I have expressed are not rocket science. I’m sure we have all thought the same thing. What we have to do is put our thoughts into action. We have to vote our electorates into all becoming marginal seats. That means we all have to spread the message and encourage everyone else in the community to think the same way.
I appreciate that many of you are going through similar corrupt legal and financial abuses from lawyers, banks and government. Several of you and your families have been wrongly evicted from your homes this winter. I know your pain. The same thing happened to me. I am sorry I am not yet able to do anything about it. But I will keep fighting for what is right, to stop future injustices like we have suffered BEFORE they happen, and to see that justice is restored to all of us. The fight for justice is a slow hard battle. It takes time, it grows strenghts. It requires patience. It will be a slow process against massive, evil resistance. Just enduring is a triumph in itself.
Thank you to the many who turned up at my VCAT ordeals. Next week I will be making it clear that the hunters are, and have always been, the hunted.
Watch out for a big story on Monday regarding my frame-up / political persecution / payback in VCAT. I will post details at and through next week.
If any of you have time to man the phones next week, please do. Ring your State MP, ring your radio station, your favorite TV program, fax them or email them, but it is important to ring them as well. Tell them my / our political messages and tell them about the political persecution / corruption going on in VCAT against me, and in the Law Courts and Lawyers’ Offices against all of us. Trust me, every MP gets dozens of complaints (phone, mail, fax) every week. They just don’t do anything about it because the predators who do this (lots of blame to the lawyers) have more political punch than we victims do.
It really is time, and the ideal time, with 10 months or so to the next election, to make our voices heard. And if the MPs still won’t listen, we should show them who’s boss and vote their bums out of office next year. Vote for people who will and do listen, and who will and do do.
Best wishes
Representatives ▸▸ WRITING ON THE PATH TO DEMOCRACY ▸▸ James Johnson
Lawyerocracy on Trial Lawyerocracy
BEc Hon LLB – Journalist – Law Reformer – Whistleblower @21May12 – #auspol Ind Federal Candidate for #Lalor – Periodista James Johnson CHR
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