Father–child relationship

“The father–child relationship is the defining factor of  the fatherhood role in life.

“A father is known as a  man who exercises paternal care over other people.[2][3]  Most fathers are naturally protective, supportive, and responsible and are able  to provide a number of significant benefits to themselves, their communities,  and their children.[4]
Involved fathers offer developmentally specific provisions to their sons and daughters throughout the life cycle and are impacted themselves by their doing  so.[5]  Active father figures have a key role to play in reducing behavior problems in boys and psychological problems in young women.[6] For example, children who experience significant father involvement tend to exhibit higher scores on assessments of cognitive development, enhanced social skills and fewer behaviour problems.[7][8][9] An increased amount of father–child involvement has also proven to increase a child’s social stability, educational achievement, and even their potential to  have a solid marriage as an adult. The children are also more curious about the world around them and develop greater problem solving skills.[10] Children who were raised without fathers perceive themselves to be less cognitively and physically competent than their peers from father-present
families.[11] Mothers raising children without fathers reported more severe disputes with
their child. Sons raised without fathers showed more feminine but no less masculine characteristics of gender role behaviour.[12]

According to the anthropologist Maurice Godelier, the parental role assumed by human males is a critical difference between human society and that of humans’ closest biological relatives—chimpanzees and bonobos—who appear to be unaware of their “father” connection.[13][14]


2 thoughts on “Father–child relationship”

  1. Too right. I fought for 3 years to rescue my daughter. When i gained custody she was in a parlous state. Unable to do even basic tasks like shower herself or wash her own hair, a foul mouth and a bad attitude. Unable to do even basic maths, not even her times tables, unable to read or write even basic words. She did the year 3 basic skills test at her primary school and finished in the bottom half of the bottom grade in EVERY aspect of that test, i believe bottom in the entire school, and was placed in a special class for SLOW children. She was 8 yo. This was the broken child i was given courtesy of her mother and our so called family law system. I was to spend the next 10 years repairing the damage caused by just 3 years alone with her mother.
    Fast forward a dozen years. My daughter is now more than halfway through her honours year in her psychology degree at university, she is achieving distinctions and high distinctions, has been inducted into the golden key honours society which is only offered to the top 10-15% of students, and will be starting her PHD next year and still only 21 yo. This is what a decent father can do for his child. Sadly most fathers do not get that opportunity. I note that in my daughters final year at high school, there were more than a dozen children living in single mother housholds, my daughter was the only one being brought up by a single father. Out of the 6-8 students going on to a university education my daughter was the ONLY one to do so from a single parent houshold. A lesson there perhaps for the people who work in the arena of family law but sadly one that they will probably not heed.

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