The Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (QCCL)


is a voluntary organisation concerned with the protection of individual rights and civil liberties.  It was founded in 1966 in order to protect and promote the human rights and freedoms of Queensland citizens.  The desire to create a civil liberties organisation began in the shadow of the Queensland Government’s repression of civil liberties during anti-Vietnam War protests.  The first public AGM was held on 29 March 1967 and QCCL has worked ceaselessly to promoted civil liberties ever since.

QCCL works towards a society in which the human rights enshrined in such documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Australia is signatory, are enjoyed by all Queenslanders and indeed Australian citizens.  The Council aims to:

  • Be vigilant in matters affecting civil liberties and to safeguard and develop respect for human rights and freedoms,
  • Educate and provide information about threats to, and the abuse of, rights and liberties and to foster the study of legal and human rights,
  • Seek solutions to problems related to civil liberties, including prison reform, censorship and rights of minority groups,
  • Provide, when necessary, neutral observers at marches and demonstrations.

QCCL performs the following activities:

  • Makes submissions to governments, inquiries or relevant authorities
  • Publicly opposes laws and actions that undermine civil liberties;
  • Encourages public discussion on civil liberties issues by addressing groups and media releases;
  • Supports publication of books and pamphlets on relevant subjects
  • Holds lectures and seminars on civil liberties; and
  • Addresses groups by invitation
  • Mobilises citizens to actively engage with their local, state and federal members about human rights violations.

As a voluntary organisation we do not receive financial support from government or corporations. We rely on the financial contributions of our members and on donations.  We also encourage members to get involved and take action to further develop public awareness of civil liberties issues that affect us all.  Why don’t you join us!

Australian Council for Civil Liberties (ACCL)

This site hosts ACCL documents and press releases. The ACCL is an umbrella organisation for the civil liberties councils of Queensland, NSW and Victoria, which enables these councils to speak with one voice on matters of national importance.  To contact the ACCL please email.


QCCL is a member based organisation. This means we rely solely on your contributions to do our work. You can help by becoming a member and contribute to making Queensland a true civil society.  Once you are a member you can also get active and help by:

  • Attending meetings, rallies or lectures that are supported or arranged by QCCL
  • Arranging discussions in your club or with your friends
  • Helping with the newsletter
  • Joining the QCCL executive committee or one of our sub-committees

QCCL’s yearly membership fees are:

  • $25       single members
  • $40       families
  • $10       concession
  • $50       non-profit organisations
  • $100     corporate organisations

To view a PDF format membership form to save or print click here

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